Presentations & Public Speaking in English for culturally-diverse audiences - Klub Trenerow Biznesu

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TYTUŁ: Presentations & Public Speaking in English for culturally-diverse audiences

Szkolenie prowadzi:
Sebastian Florek-Paszkowski – feels at home in more countries than one: born in Warsaw, raised in Poland, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and South Africa, having graduated and worked in Poland, currently living in Peru and living the (Latin) American dream.
Trainer, coach, public-speaker. Has Headed a team of inhouse trainers, responsible for educating other trainers and customers in Poland and abroad. Has trained, supported, organized and facilitated trainings for people from: Poland, Britain, India, Germany, Brasil, Japan, Peru, Colombia, Chile, and Argentina. Currently managing the overseas Comarch office in Lima, Peru.
Studied English philology. An educator at heart who strongly believes in life-long learning and venturing outside the comfort zone in order to find his peace of mind.
Loves discussing group dynamics, cultural differences, and social constraints. A Long time actor in an amateur theatre, who finds gardening and cooking to be the best escapes.
Motto: respect Mother Earth.
The workshop is intended for trainers and presenters of various fields who deliver presentations, hold meetings, address audiences (customers, business partners, and colleagues) in international settings and want to develop in this area.
The workshop aims to take stock of what the participants already know as well as facilitate further development of presenters and public speakers, especially those who wish to deal with technical issues in a straightforward way with groups from diverse ethnic backgrounds. You will be both reviewing your training/presentation skills in a foreign language as well as touching upon cultural differences that need to be taken into account in the training room.
The training is an Interactive workshop on two levels: the training itself as well as the metalevel, we will be using an array of techniques, including, but not limited to: flip teaching; case studies, pair/group work aa well as video recording.
I want to share with you the knowledge I have managed to acquire having trained people from Asia, Europe, and Latin America. Let’s exchange opinions, agree, disagree, and argue where necessary.
I’d like to cover the areas listed, following the group’s needs as we go by pondering longer over more challenging topics, which we will all examine through the lense of cultural diversity:

  • Beginning & Ending well
  • Dealing with Questions
  • Different perceptions & perspectives
  • Posture, Voice, Eye contact, Dress code
  • Space management
  • Stress management
  • Trainer identity
  • Trainee types
  • International Audiences
  • Multicultural survival: training tips
AIM: A practical run through presentation skills in English under the watch of an experienced trainer and speaker; correction of typical mistakes. On top of that you obtain a set of the most important guidelines for fostering relations with people from different cultural backgrounds.

DLA KOGO? Szkolenie skierowane jest do trenerów i mówców publicznych wszystkich specjalności, którzy pracują lub zamierzają pracować w środowisku międzynarodowych, w którym językiem obowiązującym jest angielski.

TERMIN: 1-2.09.2018 godz. 10:00-17:30 i 9:00-16:30
Uwaga: Nie planujemy innego terminu dla tego szkolenia. Sebastian obecnie mieszka i pracuje w Peru, w Polsce jest gościnnie. Ze względu na tryb i specyfikę pracy, być może za jakiś czas zamieszka w Australii, a może w Czechach. :) Nie wiadomo kiedy znów odwiedzi Polskę.

LICZBA DNI: 2 (16 h)


Trenerzy niezwiązani z Klubem - 980zł, Sympatycy Klubu i Członkowie grupy TTT – 880zł, Klubowicze – 780zł

CENA OBEJMUJE: udział w szkoleniu, materiały szkoleniowe, zaświadczenie o uczestnictwie, przerwy kawowe.
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Z życia i pracy Sebastiana:
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